

The development of a country is in line with the use of science, technology, and the arts. Then, the use of science and technology will be able to increase the nation's competitiveness through effective and efficient management of its resources that covers all aspects of life, especially the development of the health sector. As the development of other fields, the development of the health sector includes various factors as well. According to Presidential Regulation No 18 in 2020 concerning the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024, so that the role of science and technology can make a real contribution to the national economy. Thus, the strengthening of science and technology institutions at Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu (Bengkulu Health Polytechnic) is directed in the form of the ability to make a real contribution to the competitiveness of the production sector, the sustainability and utilization of natural resources, and the preparation of the Indonesian people to face an advanced and modern global life; availability of the necessary factors such as human resources, infrastructure, science and technology institutions, networks, and financing.

The participation of Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu in the ability to develop Human Resources, enhancing the nation's competitiveness through research and technology is absolutely necessary. The Center for Excellence in Science and Technology at Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu has an essential role in supporting the strengthening of the Tri Dharma of higher education in real activities and actions for the benefit of strengthening the nation's competitiveness and product innovation, as well as awareness of the need for science and technology in the community from an early age as a bridge in efforts to strengthen competitiveness nation in general

The effort of the Ministry of Health in order to strengthen science and technology institutions is through the development of the Center of Excellence of Science and Technology - Poltekkes Kemenkes (PUI-PK) that carry out the Tridharma of higher education, which is expected to be the center of the development of science and technology in the health sector in Indonesia and involve all stakeholders.

Currently, Indonesia is still dealing with the serious health problems that affect the Quality of Human Resources (HR). One of the health problems that become concern at this time is the high number of stunted children (stunting). Stunting is a form of growth faltering in height due to the accumulation of insufficient nutrition that lasts for a long time from pregnancy to 24 months.

Furthermore, to support the ministry of health to strengthen science and technology institutions, the Bengkulu Ministry of Health's Poltekkes developed the Center for Excellence in Stunting Prevention based on maternal and child health. In this center of excellence, we emphasize stunting control interventions on specific interventions based on maternal and child health, because mothers are people who are directly related to children throughout the life cycle, so maternal health needs to be considered.

We facilitate mothers in developing knowledge so that they can improve the quality of the food consumed, choosing nutritious food from the surrounding environment so that it is in accordance with health standards. In addition, providing knowledge to mothers about diseases that can increase the risk of stunting, facilitating mother class education, education about clean water consumption according to health standards and other programs related to the life cycle of mothers and children. We believe that maternal and child health-based stunting prevention can increase the success of sensitive interventions that can also carry out some specific interventions on target groups. 

Currently, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu has obtained various research grants and community service activities both related to stunting based on maternal and child health as well as at the international, national, provincial levels so that they feel they are capable enough to develop this center of excellence. In addition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu has facilities and infrastructure that support the center of excellence in providing the researchers in 2020 as 114 people that consisted of seven people  for Doctoral education qualifications and 115 people for Masters education. The lecturers who are currently pursuing doctoral education are 6 people.

Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu has a Research and Community Service Center which is the center for the management and development of Scientific Research and Publication activities. The number of researches that have been funded for the last three years are 242 research titles. Research grants from outside the institution have been obtained by Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu, including two studies of the National Grant related to Maternal and Child Health in 2014, two studies in 2016, one study in 2017 and one study 201. Then, International grant research that has been carried out in 2016 - 2017 consisted of 3 studies.

Three National Research Grants  (LITBANGKES and BKKBN), community service grants from the Provincial Health Agency and a grant from the Regency Health Agency. Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu also carried out Community Service activities related to maternal and child health. In 2017, 54 activities were carried out, and in 2018 28 community service activities were carried out, in 2019 there were 104 community services, and in 2020 there were 43 community services.

Moreover, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu has facilities and infrastructure that support the campus activities such as Guest House Training Center, library, integrated laboratory in midwifery, nursing, nutrition, medical laboratory technology, pharmacy, environmental health, health promotion, language and multimedia laboratories, computer laboratories, and has collaborative practice areas. in the form of an international MOU and MOA at six institutions, namely Emilio Aquinaldo College, Escholar University, Malacca Medical Center Malaysia, SEAMEO RECFON, Lincoln University College, Burapha University Tahiland. National and local level cooperation 145 domestic institutions.

Based on these achievements, it is realized that the importance of the existence of a CoE organization (Centre of Excellence) for Science and Technology which oversees activities related to maternal and child health-based stunting prevention efforts, it is hoped that there will be an increase in science and technology and will produce published research products. in reputable international and nationally accredited journals. The experience of problem-solving methods through collaborative interprofessional handling will improve research outcomes and produce human resources who are able to compete globally. Product results related to stunting prevention can be commercialized to increase the institution's independence.

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